Archive for the ‘2011 FIFA Women’s World Cup’ Category

Almost to the stadium in Mönchengladbach. Everyone is painting up and getting ready. (Köln Dom was impressive).





USA! USA! USA! What a crazy day! I’m struggling to remember every thing we did

Started the day with a few of us attending Mass at St. Mary’s Dom (cathedral). Enjoyed this a lot- about 1/4 in Latin and 3/4 in German. Very traditional service in a massive gothic cathedral.

We headed off to the Augsburg Stadium and watched Australia vs Sweden. Nearly all of the team dressed in Australia colors to protest the Sweden win over the USA. Amazing seats, great conversations trying to speak German on the stands and at the concessions. Amazing afternoon. Sweden deserved to win – very few mistakes.

We got back to the Augsburg hostel, had an early dinner (it was very good), and went off to this bar that has good people and a nice big screen. Americans took over the place and it was wild. Chanting and screaming. And some how, the USA pulled it out! Amazing!

Took a walk through downtown Augsburg – kind of a small cosmopolitan area with a lot of diversity. Lots of people stopped us to congratulate us.

Did I mention we have tickets to the USA vs France game Wednesday?

And a quick summary schedule for our remaining trip subject to change and adjustment:

Mon: Tour Bavaria – Fussen and Munich
Tue: Romantic Road back to Frankfurt
Wed: World Cup Day
Thur: Harry Potter and play match against Villa Astoria.

Today, we sampled life. We had tears of joy, old familiar traditions in an entirely new setting and experiences that are life changing and will forever alter our view of the world for the better.

Finally, pics…












Well, let’s go with disappointing. At least with respect to the USA vs Sweden game. We should have done better.

Besides that (do you think the USA national team knows they are messing up our plans?), the first day was incredible. Flight was great, hostel is great and dinner was very good at the hostel. The charter bus and driver are fantastic.

After that a tour of Frankfurt on foot was very good and then watching the USA/Sweden in the Frankfurt Football Garden was incredible. Right on the water with the game on the big screen, the Frankfurt skyline behind the screen and everything just ‘different’.




